Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Do you think this is real?

Today we have been learning to make an opinion.
Miss Rits showed us this photo and we had to write about whether we thought it was real.

Listen to some of our opinions and then it would be great if you could please comment on whether you think it is real and why


  1. That place looks AWESOME ! I don't think it is real though.

  2. No, I don't think it real but if it was it would be kind of scary to live in it being balanced up so high! :) Jaala

  3. Hi Lc5,
    I don't think it is real, but it looks really cool. It don't think that the building materials would be able to get across in the cable car because of the weight and size.?? I don't think the base would be big enough to support the weight of the rest of it.

    Carol (Tayla's mum)

  4. Hi LC5

    It does look like it's somewhere in Thailand, but I don't think it's real! If it was though it would be a neat place to visit!

    Heidi :-)

  5. Eva thinks that it is not real but it looks real. Its not real, cos we went onto Google and he knows!

  6. Hi LC5,

    If this house was real how would you get to school? And how would Mum get the groceries?
    I don't think this house is real but it does look pretty neat!

    Racheal (Jayden's Mum)

  7. Hi LC5 - this looks really cool, but I don't think it's real because it would be too hard for the builders to work up there!
    Keep up the cool investigations,
    Lynette (Sam C's mum)

  8. I think that the house looks real but I wonder if it is because I can't see how you could get into it!

  9. Hi LC5,

    What a neat picture. I wonder if this is at Foxton Beach?

  10. Hi LC5

    It looks like a lovely place to stay but I don't think it is real because the foundations at the bottom don't look strong enough to hold a house that size.

    Tracey (Joe's mum)

  11. What an interesting picture. I think you all have thought about it very carefully. I think it could be real because I wondered if I could see a gondola between the rock and the mainland. I wouldn't want to climb all the way up.
