Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Logans Teddy Bear
Iciss's Teddy Bear
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Our Garden - By Logan
Do you know what we did on Friday? We made a vegetable garden of course. First we got into a group and got all the stuff that we all needed. We got the bucket, spades, dirt, soil and compost. We all started digging very very hard and my buddy was Holly. Then we kept on digging until all of the dirt was gone. After we used the very black compost until that was all gone. We planted all of the plants in the garden to make some vegetables. After wards we were all sweating, hot and dripping wet. The plants were spinach, lettuce, spring onion, broccoli, tomatoes and herbs. It took a long time to do all of it! We then washed our dirty hands and went back to LC 5
Our Vegetable Garden - By Liam P
On Friday we went to make a vegetable garden. First we dug the soil. Then we went to get some spades and some buckets. We had to dig dirt and put it in the garden. Then we got some plants and planted them in the garden. It was lots of fun!
Our Garden - By Kate
Last Friday we made out vegetable garden and my buddy was Macy. We got a bucket and shovel because we had to get the soil filled by the compost. Then we planted all of the plants. We had very dark, dirty hands. The plants were spinach and it was smelly. I planted a lettuce and it was very hard work. Did you know that spinach needs space in the garden? The plants need space, water, sun, air, food and light. We got a tomato plant for the class in a pink bucket. At the very end we got a photo taken by the teachers.
Friday, September 4, 2009
After lots of research about "Compost" we started to look at how we recycle at home and school and made this Venn Diagram to show what we did to recycle.

So today the Jolly Juniors had some wonderful ladies come from an organisation called "Plant to Plate" to help us make a Compost Bin. As soon as we got back to class we made a brainstorm of all the things that we learnt from their lesson.
We hope you enjoy looking at the photos
Thursday, September 3, 2009

- It was good when Little Red Riding Hoods Mum gave her some food because Granny was sick.
- It was really good when Little Red Riding Hood gave Nanny a basket of goodies because I thought it was nice.
- It was great when the wolf spat Granny out because she was still alive.
- It's really good that her Mum put baked custard in because her Granny was sick and poor
Black Hat
- It wasn't good when Little Red Riding Hood talked to the wolf because her Mum said not to talk to any strangers.
- It wasn't good that the wolf ate the Granny because she wouldn't be able to see where she was up to in her book.
- The bad part was when the wolf ate the Granny because it was bad.
Red Hat
- I felt happy when the hunter found Granny.
- It was funny about the crocodile at the end.
- I felt happy when the hunter came because he killed the wolf and then Granny was saved.
- I thought it was sad that Granny went missing in the story.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
We hope you enjoy looking at our photos and the venn diagram that we made.
Can you see the differences between the two composts?
Doc 2
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Butterflies pump blood into their wings. They can drop eggs when they are flying across the field. Butterflies can only drink liquid, not big things. They live in gardens. Butterflies start as caterpillars and then come out of a coccon. Butterflies have different name and they only stay alive for 2 weeks.
A butterfly can suck the juice out of flowers. I have seen a butterfly come out of a cocoon. Butterflies don't have bones and they can live any where. They can fly and have four wings which help them do this. Butterflies can lay 500 eggs and are colourful. Lots of butterflies live all over the place.
A butterfly is an insect and it comes out of a cocoon. Butterflies lay eggs onto the swan plant. They have four wings and drink lots of big things. Butterflies can only stay alive for 2 weeks. They even have a body called the thorax.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
We have classified as many things from this garden video into living, non-living and once living.
Can you help us find any more?
Living - butterfly, flowers, hair, plants, dog, cat, people, tomatoes, worms, trees, leaves on tree
Non-Living - wood, rake, hose, rocks, peeler, wheel barrow, sun, rain, water, sun glasses
Once-Living - wooden ladder, fence, carrots, apples, pumpkin